by Jim Dator
It was with great pleasure and satisfaction that I witnessed the initiation of the idea (by Seongwon Park and Aubrey Yee), development (by John Sweeney, Aubrey Yee, Aaron Rosa and Rex Troumbley), and then realization of the Mānoa Futures Symposium by all of the people who participated in the events of the two sunny days and balmy nights in Kaka`ako, Hawai`i, in December 2012. The Symposium was the latest (and arguably, greatest), in a long tradition of student-based events that have always characterized futures in the islands since the original Governor’s Conference on Hawai`i 2000 in 1970, through student-developed and presented (truly) multimedia events (combining film and multiple slide projectors, accompanied by fullyproduced narration, sound effects and music, often along with live dance and performance) at numerous local, national, international workshops, often also then presented at conferences of the World Future Society and the World Futures Studies Federation in the 70s, 80s, and 90s, and (especially recently) intensively experiential and interactive simulations of the four generic Alternative Futures which is the hallmark of the Manoa School.(continue…)