by Antonio Alonso Concheiro
Enric Bas and Mario Guilló edited last year, in Spanish, the first volume of the trilogy Prospectiva e innovación (Prospective and Innovation), subtitled Visiones (Visions), published by Plaza y Valdés Editores as part of its Colección Futuros (Futures Collection). The book has a prologue by Federico Mayor (ex-director of UNESCO), an introduction by Enric Bas, and a chapter zero by Jesús Moneo (ex-director of the National Institute of Prospective Studies of Spain), plus thirteen contributions by diverse authors, most of them well known to the futures community. The book, originally conceived as an homage to Emilio Fontela, ended up by being an homage to him and Jesús Moneo, both visionaries of high stature, and important pioneers of Spanish Prospective Studies, and both unfortunately dead (the first, born in France but Sevillian by family origin, in 2007, and the second, Asturian, in 2011).(continue…)