Reimagining Politics after the Election of Trump: Introduction by the Editor
José Ramos
The City, the Country, and the New Politics of Place
Andrew Curry
Reconceiving the Self and the Other: Possibilities Beyond the Seduction of Popularist and Authoritarian Polarities
Michael McAllum
Trump: The Beginning or the End?
Sohail Inayatullah
Trumped: The Unsurprising Election of Donald Trump and our
Unequal Opportunity and Lack of Plausible Visions for New
Governance Design
Jim Dator
Donald Trump and the Birth of a Planetary Culture
José Ramos
A Post-Hoc Causal-Layered Analysis of American Trumpism
Tim Dolan
Re-dynamising Local Economies in the Age of Trumpism
Michel Bauwens and Vasilis Niaros
The Rule of the Jester King
Victor MacGill
Theses on Trump: Personal re ections in the form of 10 axioms
Michel Bauwens
The Trump Scenarios
Michael Marien
Concluding Reflections
Kristin Alford and Sohail Inayatullah