- Articles
- One Moments Business and One Year Business in the Asia-Pacific Region
The Future of Food Irradiation
Taiwan’s Labor Movement in the New International Division of Labor
The Implication of Death for the Future : Ecological Determinant of Infant Mortality in Louisiana
Language and Culture : Motivation of Learning Japanese for the Students Who are in Multicultural Environment
- One Moments Business and One Year Business in the Asia-Pacific Region
- Articles
Vol. 1 No. 2 May. 1997
- Articles
- The Post-Industrial Age of Science and Technology
Chaotic Behaviour of Economic and Social Macro Indicators in Hungary
The Impact of Major Innovations : Guesswork or Forecast ?
An Improved Method of Prediction the Future : A Result on Improving the Stein-Rule Shrinkage Estimators of Regression Coefficients
Ideology and Development : Gandhism and Maoism on Deurbanization
- The Post-Industrial Age of Science and Technology
- A Rocket to the Future – Futures Triangle for Children
- Editors’ Introduction to Hesitant Feminist’s Guide to the Future Symposium
- Rebellious girls needed – the urgency to imagine more feminist futures
- Feminist International Relations: a knowledge-based proposition
- Mother, motherhood, mothering: A conversation on feminist futures across generations, cultures, and life experiences
- Quantum Feminist Futures: Introducing the applied fusion of two theories
- The 25th hour: A Young Feminist’s Vision for a More Time Equitable Future
- Ecofeminism, Gaian Matriarchies, and Partnership Futures for Better Tomorrows