Author: Abril Chimal

by Karla Paniagua, Abril Chimal, Patricia López & Edgar Flores The following paper describes the achievements of a foresight workshop designed and executed through 2022 to identify the long-term scenarios created by undergraduate students concerning the metaverse and the creative industries in Latin America. The working model recovers elements from Voros’s (2003) foresight approach, Bleecker’s Design-Fiction, Candy and Dunagan’s (2016) Experiential futures model, Kjaer’s (2014) macro trends model, and Bishop & Hines (2012) futures archetypes. The experience was facilitated by three teachers collaborating with 123 undergraduate students from CENTRO (Mexico City). The main conclusions include nine scenarios for the…

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by William Halal This article focuses on one of the great challenges facing all of us today — how can we resolve the raging conflicts fomented by social media? Conflict has always been a problem, but the digital revolution has raised it into one of the great challenges of our time. Facebook and other social media platforms inherently provoke the differences that drive today’s wave of “post-factual” nonsense. Statistica reports that 70 percent of Internet users think fake news causes confusion, and 83 percent say disinformation harms politics. One analyst framed the problem this way: “In the past, wars were conducted with weapons. Now it’s…

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Written and Illustrated by Marc Ngui Welcome to Dee Double Dub is a 12 page black and white comic which proposes a radically optimistic and speculatively pragmatic vision of a eutopian human habitation in the Detroit River region of North America circa 2200 CE. In the proposed scenario,a Global Green New Deal has paved the way for an extensive retooling and restructuring of human civilization, which has transformed it into an equitable culture that respects the environmental boundaries of the planet. The D.W.W. Urbiome (Detroit-Windsor-Waawiyataanong Urbiome) is an ecologically integrated metropolis situated on the Detroit River in the Southern Great…

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By James Balzer Introduction The American conservative polity averts climate change action for numerous social and economic reasons. Contemporary conservatism’s distrust of institutions promotes an aversion towards impositional government agendas, including climate change policy (Buzogany & Mohamad-Klotzbach, 2021; Lockwood, 2018). Such distrust derives from the sustained neglect of post-industrial jurisdictions by political institutions, especially in rural, lower socio-economic and non-coastal geographies (Lockwood, 2018). Consequently, such communities, many still dependent on carbon-intensive industries, fear the possible contribution of government climate policy to deriding long-term job security (Buzogany & Mohamad-Klotzbach, 2021; Lockwood, 2018; Hermville & Sanderink, 2019). Therefore, creating an ‘authorising environment’…

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By Tracey Follows Is Identity the Issue of Our Age? How am I authenticated? What does my biology have in store for me? How can I explore alternative personas in a virtual game? Where does my identity go once I’m dead? The Importance of Identity Identity is fundamental not only to understanding ourselves but to enabling other people to understand who we are at any given moment, and therefore decide if they can trust us. Many voices in the 21st Century contend that identity is almost completely illusory (Wolfe, 2013). But it is clear to me that without the ability…

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Interview by Sohail Inayatullah with ChatGPT This is the second part of a two-part interview with ChatGPT. In part one, I asked it to examine itself i.e., conduct a CLA. In this part two, I ask it to develop scenarios, a preferred vision, and a backcast of itself. The interview concludes with my reflections on the conversation. Introduction SI: well, do you know the Change progression scenario method developed by Inayatullah and Milojević. CG: Yes, I am familiar with the Change Progression Scenario method (CPS) developed by Sohail Inayatullah and Ivana Milojević (Milojević, 2004; Inayatullah, 2020). The CPS method…

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Interview by Sohail Inayatullah with ChatGPT This is a two-part interview with ChatGPT. In part one, I ask it to examine itself i.e., conduct a CLA. In part two, I ask it to develop scenarios, a preferred vision, and a backcast of its evolution. The interview concludes with my reflections on the conversation. INTRODUCTION In January 2023, a LinkedIn colleague, Shiqin Choo, posted a chat he had with ChatGPT, an AI bot that uses human prompts to answer questions and engage in dialogue. He asked ChatGPT what Causal Layered Analysis was (Inayatullah, Mercer, Milojević, and Sweeney, 2023)? The answer was…

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by Sarah Mecartney When I was a child, I had a dragon named Figment from the Disney Epcot Centre’s, Journey of Imagination. Figment travelled everywhere with me. We explored the world together discovering multiple possibilities. I lost Figment along the way but rediscovered the power and joy of imagination with strategic foresight. Futures has strengthened my ability to better make connections between imaginative thinking, creativity and practice in the strategic planning for organisational transformation space. Multiple futures tools can be used for individual needs but when connected they create greater impact. A key learning has been the importance of thoughtful…

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By Ivonne Lonna El propósito de la rueda de futuros (futures wheel) en el marco de un proceso prospectivo, es identificar las consecuencias posibles de un conjunto de acontecimientos en un contexto dado. Esta rueda es una herramienta creada por Jerome Glenn en 1971 (Glenn y Gordon, 2009) y en el presente estudio se usa relacionando la ética en 9 tipos de riesgos (tecnológico, económico, político, social, ambiental, educativo, psicológico, cultural y legal) con 2 tipos de impactos, identificados en el pasado, presente y futuro, en una implicación que sobresale en las industrias creativas en México, los derechos de autor.…

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by Taskeen Ali, Alberto Behar, John Clift, Rafael Ramirez The content represents the authors’ personal views. Introduction Space has been a source of curiosity for thousands of years. Now lots is changing. In 2031 the International Space Station will be de-orbited and replaced by a commercial enterprise, as private firms conduct activities previously dominated by national space agencies (NASA, 2021). With the global space sector already growing at a rapid rate (Morgan Stanley, 2020), challenges for global institutions and governance, as well as risks of negative spillovers from space to the global economy, have both given a new impetus for macro-economists…

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