Author: Abril Chimal

Author: Colin Clouddance | Cape Town Curios | Twitter: @ColinClouddance Introduction Meteor showers occur several times a year; they are the small bits of debris left by comets as they pass through the inner solar system. From the ground, those bits of dust appear as beautiful falling stars, however each is a speck of dust that burns and is destroyed as it hits the Earth’s atmosphere. A meteor shower is the perfect cover for an alien invasion. Living in Cape Town, while on her way to work in the central business district, Deatra witnesses a theft. What is stolen is…

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CLA of the Gods[1] Marcus Bussey University of the Sunshine Coast, Australia I had the good fortune to meet Sohail Inayatullah in Kolkata in December 1989. This small slice of biography is important as his personal and intellectual path showed me that I could break free of the gravity of ‘small’, find my own escape velocity, and leap into the Cosmos of possibilities. And leap I did! This early meeting also meant that I got to connect with him and his partner, Ivana Milojević in 1993 when they moved to Brisbane, Australia. This was when the method now known as…

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Authors/Artists:  Jenell Navarro | California Polytechnic State University | Instagram @jenell78 Cameron Clay| California Polytechnic State University | Instagram @cammz  Leilani Hemmings Pallay | California Polytechnic State University | Instagram @nani.isabelle Cosmic Ancestry: Afrobliss Inner Space Explorations is a zine that operationalizes visual texts to dream of a world where the entire biosphere, including all of our human and non-human relatives (land, plants, water, animals, birds), live free from the reins of colonization. To do this we draw on many of the liberating images of Wakanda such as a world curated by the goddess panther Bast, the power of Black…

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by Marcus Bussey, University of the Sunshine Coast I cannot find words for what I want to say. It has been that way for most of my life. I came to Futures because of this aphasic condition. Futures offered, it seemed to me, the place/space for the ‘unsaid’; for the emergent and ‘not-yet’. Yet in futures I must face my own finitude, my own limits. I must listen to the beyond as a distant heartbeat. I must renounce words yet use them to craft a space from which other anticipatory senses can perform their magic (Bussey, 2017). So here I…

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by Ivana Milojević “‘Did you actually shoot people, shoot at living people?’ The eyes of the young people showed surprise and sparked with reproach and bewilderment. Life was sacred.” (Aleksandra Kollontai, 1922) To end war, we need to challenge the futures fallacies we use to construct reality. We also need to envision peaceful futures. This essay analyses a ‘failure of (futures) imagination’ behind wars and concludes with four meditations/visions on peace. Positive Futures Visions vs Used Futures One hundred years ago, Aleksandra Kollontai (Алекса́ндра Миха́йловна Коллонта́й), a revolutionary, politician, theorist, and diplomat, wrote a short eutopian[1] story entitled…

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翻譯:于金申、唐嘉雯 本個案研究使用情景模擬法來探索布里斯班文法學校的未來。本文特別闡明了新冠 疫情對教學和學習的影響。文中提出了四種如下的未來。(1)遷徙的大雁:在這種未來 中,每個人都是相互聯繫的;人們通過輪流走在隊伍的前端來幫助和領導其他人。在這 一過程中,領導者會説明那些疲憊或需要支援的人。(2)讓我們變得靈活:在這一未來 中,線上和實體環境是無縫連接的。(3)幸福感:在這個未來中,擁有一種健康的文化 是最重要的。其推崇個性化的學習,鼓勵相互合作,和確保了學生具有可以適應變化的 能力。(4)風暴警告:在這種未來中,這所學校預計將在世界上面臨多年的經濟困難。 這一未來的著眼於帶來最小化的絕望和通過實施結構性變革來避免最壞的情況發生。接 下來的步驟包括了多個領域的靈活性和適應性:為學生提供各種課程,行政和教學結構, 工作場所,以及學校的深層文化。 一、過去的未來和替代品 布里斯班文法學校最終將如何擺脫新冠疫情帶來的危機?當回歸正常化後,學校應 該保留新制度和活動的哪些方面?學校又可以保留哪些創新,以便於可以輕鬆過渡到新 的教育體系中?同時,新冠疫情所帶來的挑戰又為新教育視角提供了哪些機會? 這些問題和其他問題在包括員工和領導團隊在內的未來戰略會議(Inayatullah, 2020) 進行商討。這是利用未來為學校制定長期發展戰略的第二階段。2020 年 1 月初,員工和 董事會已經在會議中為未來幻想和創新。 這所澳大利亞歷史學校的遠見並非沒有先例。在 1868 年,該校由愛丁堡公爵,艾 爾弗雷德公爵奠基。在過去的 152 年裡,該校“一直在預測教育需求”(www.brisbanegra 例如,從 1968 年起,該校就設立了一個資源庫和語言實驗 室。之後英聯邦便將這一設施便列為基礎的學校設施之一。 1 經布里斯班文法學校許可的圖像 然而,對於歷史悠久的機構來說,即使創新是目標,但是在挑戰傳統的同時,考慮 替代未來、新的存在與行動方式也是至關重要的。在 1 月份的會議上,工作人員將以下 內容確定為過去的未來——不再符合願景或不斷變化的世界的做法–並與此同時提供 了替代方案。過去的未來是建立在排名、時間表、性別和結構基礎上的。 (1) 注重傳統的排名,澳大利亞高等教育錄取排名是一典型案例,錄取排名並非 全面的成功衡量標準,其還應當包括身體和精神健康以及對社區的貢獻進行排名。 (2) 現存於學校結構相關的時間表包含了上課時間、放學時間、和老師面對面交 流時間,但這一時間表不具備更靈活的學習時間和地點。 (3) 將學校把男校改為了混合校; (4) 學校不同領域工作人員之間的存在著孤立結構和不同的角色劃分,這不利於 將教學人員和非教學人員之間建立理解和分享更多的經驗。 同時,讀者也需明白,雖然學校有一個非凡的過去,但它需要的不僅僅是尊重它的 記憶,而是想像它未來的歷史,並創造它未來的財富。 為此,他們設想: (1) 改變課程的性質和結構。 •改變只有一個固定時間和地點來授課的傳統結構。 •科目設置的變化—取消不同科目和學科之間的分界線 •與現實世界的任務、技能和問題解決相聯繫,定制更具回應性的學習 •從以年齡為基礎的結構轉變為以年級為基礎的結構 (2) 技術對教育和學習的影響: •遠端和非同步學習的機會–在現有時間表結構之外增加靈活性 •利用人工智慧將教師從行政工作中解放出來,讓教師更加關注師生關係、對學生 進行個性化的干預,以及幫助學生獲得更專業的發展 •如果教師純粹被視為“知識的持有者和傳播者”,那麼教師的角色和工作就會受到 威脅(穀歌和互聯網在這方面會更出色) •當學生過度依賴科技的使用,而不是掌握如何使用科技來提高他們對問題的理解 的時候,這種學習則會對批判性思維構成威脅 (3) 其他教育提供者的崛起,包含: •谷歌大學或其他科技公司進入教育市場 •全球知名的學校和國際學校通過線上課程進入澳大利亞市場的方式崛起 •替代性學校教育–無教師資格證的教師在通過提供教育替代性產品給學生的同時 的崛起 (4) 社會和經濟變化包括: •重大的經濟衰退(經濟衰退或蕭條),導致收入損失和優先事項的改變(對於 BGS 和社區成員都是如此) •通過提供男女混校的方式改變對性別定義和社區壓力 根據對未來的干擾和對過去的未來的需求進行評估,參會者得出結論,目前有五個 領域的實力需要加強。這些領域是 (1) 廣泛的通識教育(注重培養學生的適應性和可以將廣泛的思維技能應用於具 體的情境化問題的能力); (2) 強調有效思維的學習(重點是為了掌握一系列思維技能而不是為了掌握知識 而學習); (3) 卓越的教學(因此要改進教學,並為教師的專業發展分配時間); (4) 跨學科學習; (5) 學生的幸福感。 無論未來會發生什麼,以上這些都是在保持學習、領導、社區、努力和尊重等核心 價值觀的背景下進行的。 雖然一月份的研討會開啟了未來掃盲的進程,但是新冠疫情所帶來的不確定性表明 重新審視和評估今年早些時候的建議是明智的。…

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by Epaminondas Christophilopoulos, Androniki Papaterpou, George Profitiliotis & Charalambos Christophilopoulos 1. Introduction This article aims to provide the initial insights of using the ‘Thing from The Future Minecraft: Education Edition’ with secondary school students. The game was tested in the context of a specific futures lab offered and delivered in schools around Greece by the UNESCO Chair on Futures Research. The three-hour program is partly based upon the Future Day material developed by the Teach the Future network and includes an introduction to Futures Studies, discussion, hands-on exercises, and participatory activities. This essay focuses on the first pilot testing…

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Hosted by Mattia Vettorello The Journal of Futures Studies “Perspectives” is a space for exploring transformative ideas for social and socio-ecological change as well as challenging “used futures.” We team up with The Briefing. Today, a futures-oriented podcast that speaks to people’s curiosity to adventure in unchartered territories and desire to innovate by inclusion and diversity. The Briefing. Today as JFS Perspectives encourages to embrace an attitude toward the wonder of uncertainty and novelty to inspire creative imagination to design for sustainable futures. Its objectives are to create awareness, share, and innovate. Notes: To listen the first episodes of The Briefing.Today click here If…

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by Sohail Inayatullah, Satya Tanner, Roar Bjonnes, Jose Ramos, and Kiran Ahmed While there is considerably commentary on the current situation in Afghanistan the literature on the futures of the nation is sparse. We seek to address this by developing scenarios on the futures of Afghanistan. The first scenario derives from the work of Pitirim Sorokin and is titled, “the Endless Pendulum.” The second derives from the works of P.R Sarkar and is titled “Money Wins Over Text and Sword.” The third is from the historical narrative of the nation and is titled, “The Pawn that Roars.” The fourth is…

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By Kristin Alford and Natalie Carfora A recent exhibition at MOD. in Adelaide South Australia allowed visitors to explore the trajectories of multiple drivers of change from both interior and exterior perspectives. Through the experience of the SEVEN SIBLINGS FROM THE FUTURE exhibition, and meeting a range of characters grappling with living in 2050, visitors were able to gain a richer understanding of plausible futures and leave feeling empowered about their capacity to make a difference. Exploring futures in cultural institutions We are living in an era where reliable heuristics no longer hold. The impacts of climate change, digital…

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