Author: Abril Chimal

By Leonardo Santiago and the Students from the speciality in Design of Tomorrow In April 2020, in the framework of the SARS CoV 2 crisis, students of the fifth generation of the futures studies postgraduate course at CENTRO, a higher education institution located in Mexico City, held a sounds of the future workshop. The representation of future scenarios by means of sounds is not new. Well-known is the case of Orson Welles’ War of the Worlds (1938). This case was a creative exercise, even a provocation, the result of the adaptation of a novel, we are not speaking properly of…

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por Leonardo Santiago y los estudiantes de la especialidad en Diseño del mañana En abril de 2020, en el marco de la crisis del SARS CoV 2, los estudiantes de la quinta generación del curso de posgrado de estudios de futuros en CENTRO, participaron en un taller de sonidos del futuro impartido por el productor Leonardo Santiago. La representación de escenarios futuros mediante sonidos no es nueva. Bien conocido es el caso de la Guerra de los Mundos de Orson Welles (1938). Este fue un ejercicio creativo, incluso una provocación, el resultado de la adaptación de una novela antes que…

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Reburg is a fictional city in which the concept of circular futures comes to life. The concept and content has been developed by Pantopicon, a studio for design and foresight with offices in Antwerp (Belgium), and a satellite studio in Toronto (Canada). The project has further been developed in collaboration with Plan C, Belgium’s circular economy hub. The goal? To render tangible a vision on the future of sustainable material management as a means to provide a framework for (entrepreneurial) innovators and society, to provoke and extend their thinking on what a circular economy is and could be. What would…

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